30+ points Why Nutrition is important for our body?

30+ Points Why Nutrition is important for our body?

1) To live a better healthy lifestyle.

2) During the adolescence or tennager period, it is important for the development of a body.

3) It helps to prevent from different types of health problems.

4) It is important for the proper function of organs, tissue and cells.

5) It helps to improve our thinking level.

6) It makes our bone stronger and healthier.

7) In the childhood ages, the children gets their nutrition from their mother breasts which helps in the proper development of body.

8) During pregency, mother should eat a proper healthy nutrition for the development of herself and for the future baby.

9) Without nutrition, the body become passive.

10) Nutrition helps to increase the focus and concentration in the work.

11) Production of harmone increases after taking the nutrition in the daily basis.

12) It improve the immune system.

13) Nutrition is the key of sport performance.

14) Nutrition is the source of energy.

15) Nutrition helps to provide proper sleeping.

16) Vitamins also a source of nutrition, which helps to heal wounds.

17) It helps to repair cellular damage.

18) Nutrition is essential in the genetic makeup, level of activity, general state of health and environment.

19) Proper Nutrition helps to relax our mood and make our mood fresh.

20) Nutrition helps to live a longer life.

21) Eating a diet rich in nutrition as part of overall healthy diet may reduce risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke.

22) It helps to develop and gain the muscle properly.

23) Adding vegetables can helps to increase intake of fiber and potassium, which are important nutrients.

24) It helps to maintain a healthy weight.

25) A proper nutrition throughout life promotes healthy pregency outcomes

26) After the regular consumption of nutrition, eye will be more brighter and healthier.

27) If you are doing exercise with proper nutrition food then your body gets a better response.

28) To be in a better shape and size, nutrition is must important.

29) In the nutrition, it include vitamins, fats, carbohydrates etc which make the body stronger and healthier.

30) For the healthier skin, nutrition is important.

31) By the proper consumption of nutrition it not only develop the internal organs but also improves the external orgabs like nails, hairs etc.


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